Goodwill Ambassadors

In 2011, District 17 established a Goodwill Committee and Charter to recognize D17 members in good standing who exemplify congeniality and ethical behavior. 

Committee members subscribe to the ACBL Goodwill slogan, “It is nice to be important, but it is more important to be nice.”

The ACBL Goodwill Committee was organized in 1955.  In 2010, the Committee was renamed the Aileen Osofsky ACBL Goodwill Committee in appreciation for her 25 years of service as chair.  

2024 D17 Goodwill Ambassadors

Barbara Rees

Mesa Unit 351Nominated by Kitty Larson
Barbara began her bridge career in Canada about 35 years ago. She has been a player and director for about the same amount of time.  We have been lucky enough to have her here in the United States permanently since 2013. Since that time and a few years prior as a snowbird Barbara has taught beginning, intermediate and advanced bridge classes throughout the East Valley. Much of her success is by word of mouth. She often received calls from various communities requesting her teaching services. Not only does her bridge directing and teaching take place on land but at sea as well. In January 2000, Audrey Grant asked Barbara to sub for her at sea. This led to Barbara’s 24th year teaching on cruises. Barbara currently runs and directs three games and is teaching two classes. It’s likely one of your opponents has taken lessons from her.

Bill Carstens

Phoenix Unit 354Nominated by JoAnne Lowe

Bill was a long time Unit 354 Board member. He was our dedicated partnership chair working tirelessly before and during our tournaments.  Even after his retirement from the Board he continued to be our partnership person. This year he has spent time teaching and helping our new partnership chair move into this difficult job. Bill is a quiet, unassuming player who greets his opponents with a smiling hello. He is a genuinely nice person and an asset to our bridge community. He is worthy of wearing a Goodwill pin.

Miranda Chatham

Northern AZ  Unit 355Nominated by Bill Phillips

Miranda was born in 1927. In the mid-sixties, her husband accepted a position in Saudi Arabia. With her life radically changed and nothing to do she decided to teach herself bridge.

She read some books and joined a local club. In less than a year she was appointed to the Saudi Arabian National team. That team finished first in the Middle East and eighth in the world. Within a few years the team was playing in top international tournaments against the Italian Blue team, the British National team and others. Eventually, Miranda became an accountant for Lockheed Martin, becoming one of the first women to be employed in Saudi Arabia. Miranda continue to be active in the Prescott community, serving as a volunteer for Meals on Wheels. She partners with bridge players of all levels. She is a delightful partner and a formidable opponent. The Rule of 160 is that if the combined age of your opponents is 160 or more you are in trouble, so you are in trouble almost no matter what her partner’s age may be. When you sit at Miranda’s table you can count on a serious challenge and a great time.

Bonnie Hertzog

Tucson Unit 356Nominated by Steve Reynolds 

Bonnie is the Swiss Army Knife of the bridge world.

She has been a director, teacher, Unit 356 Board member (Secretary) and is a cheerleader for the game. She is the definition of goodwill. She is the first tostep forward and the last to leave. She is a wonderful ambassador for the game.

Ann Parker

Colorado Spring Unit 360Nominated by Bill Curtis 

Ann is a former high school music director. She and her Navy husband retired and moved to Colorado Springs and joined Unit 360.

She is an active and supportive Unit member always willing to go above and beyond the call of duty. Also, the kind of Unit member that is the backbone that is necessary to keep the Unit going. Ann chaired one of the Units most successful Alzheimer’s The Longest Day event. She is a club director and a bridge teacher. She was selected to host one of the first Teach Bridge to the Military evenings at the Fort Carson Army Post, and has run (and continues to do so) many Learn Bridge in a Day programs with follow up lessons.

Marion Brum de Barros

Denver Unit 361Nominated by Jennifer O’Neill

Marion comes from a bridge playing family – her father, late husband and step kids all play.

She competes in multiple countries, including Scotland, and Brazil and of course here in the United States. It’s always fun to play at Marion’s table – she is always welcoming and encouraging and has a smile on her face.

Stop by and congratulate her at the upcoming LVNABC where she is chairingthe prize desk.

Marcia McCalden

Colorado West Unit 364Nominated by Sharon Smith

Marcia’s bridge odyssey kick started when she retired after 30 years as a software manager with IBM and moved from Connecticut to Vail.

When the current manager of the unsanctioned Vail game left the valley in 2002, she offered it to Marcia and her new husband Tom. Marcia quickly became a director, sanctioned the game and began teaching all levels eventually leading to teaching on cruise ships. Marcia and Tom have circled the globe more than once teaching on cruise ships and playing in local clubs around the world be it in Fremantle and Kalamunda in Western Australia, Papeete in Tahiti, Reykjavik or Buenos Aires.

Jacqueline Brickey

Vegas Unit 373Nominated by Elizabeth Hamilton

Jacque has been involved in bridge in Las Vegas since 1999. During that time she has served on committees for sectional and regional tournaments.

She has served as Unit Treasurer for five years and recently accepted the position of co-treasurer for 2024. Jacque has a passion for bridge and for people. She is an outstanding team player. There is nothing she will not tackle to help build back the Las Vegas bridge community. In 2023, she became part of a small team of dedicated bridge players who worked to keep Unit 373 functioning. She helped recruit new board members and now with a full complement on the board – there is an opportunity for bridge in Las Vegas to thrive again. She is a volunteer role model!

Carolyn Anderson

Santa Fe Unit 383Nominated by Carolyn Anderson

Carolyn was a Goodwill Nominee over a decade ago, and has deserved to be nominated every year since then! He is our energizer bunny, directing two games per week, playing whenever she can and always encouraging others. She is currently the President of the Leonard Herman Bridge Center Board which is responsible for the building where we play all of games in Santa Fe. She is always willing to organize special events to attract new players – a joy to work with.

Dianne Simon

Cheyenne Unit 421Nominated by Cindy Shoemaker

All I have spoken to enjoy Dianne’s company on and off the bridge table as she is friendly and respectful. She practices active ethics.

Dianne exhibited exemplary behavior while playing against Unit 356 members John Farbarik and Allen Ettenger during the 2023 Taos Regional. Her partner, and husband Joe, reached into his bidding box and grabbed and held the pass card while determining his next bid. Dianne gasped. Joe then bid 4D, play proceeded and they made the contract. After the hand concluded, Dianne announced that she would speak to the director as she was mortified that she had made an audible gasp and was concerned that if there was a chance that her gasp, even subconsciously, altered Joe’s bid, their opponents should receive the best outcome (between 4D made by N/S or 3S doubled by E/W). Since 3S made at the other tables, the results were changed accordingly.

Dianne and Joe learned Goren from her family during the 1990s and she then stopped playing. In 2022, she resumed face-to-face play at the Unit 421 club in Cheyenne.

“We are fortunate to have Dianne and Joe participate in our club game(s),” states Rod Southworth, director and former D17 Board member. “Both represent the best in good behavior at the table.”

2023 D17 Goodwill Ambassadors

Ella Duncan

Ella Duncan
El Paso Unit 159Nominated by Steve Nordberg

Ella is a Ruby Life Master and she plays competitively every week even at 100 years old. Ella taught school for 36 years, and with all her years of teaching, she has learned how people can make mistakes when playing bridge. With this knowledge, she is a person who always smiles at mistakes in the bidding or in the play of the cards. She makes playing with or against someone who makes a mistake a very enjoyable round. Ella’s favorite comment is, “It was not a mistake, but it was a play in the hand.”

Maria Davis

Maria Davis
Mesa Unit 351Nominated by Lakin Hines

Maria’s ongoing dedication to teaching new players is invaluable to the future of bridge. Maria was born and raised in Queens, New York. After graduating from Queens College, Maria went on to Yeshiva University where she earned a PhD in molecular biology.

Her spouse, Stuart Davis, was in the Air Force during their early married life, which led to time spent in northern Maine and Syracuse, New York. Then they resided for 10 years in New Jersey before moving to Arizona in 2009. At some earlier point, Maria and her husband Stuart had taken an introductory bridge class. That’s where the seed was planted for Maria, although Stuart was not taken!

In Sun Lakes, AZ Maria began bridge in earnest. She soon discovered Nancy Espy’s novice class and the 99er game, and then was off and running. After assisting Gordon Markham, founder, Fun-Da-Mental Bridge, she began teaching bridge herself and became an ACBL-accredited teacher. She also qualified to be a bridge director. On October 6, 2016, Maria, together with special friend and longtime bridge partner Anne Newman, volunteered to run and direct the Thursday morning 99er coaching game for new players, despite receiving meager director compensation. Here, players have access to personalized instruction, enjoy a weekly mini-lesson and often play hands generated by Maria to reinforce the lesson. New players are made to feel welcome and comfortable.

“Behind that reserved demeanor is a charming, loyal and dedicated woman with a keen sense of humor,” says Anne Newman. “She has a variety of interests and never does anything halfway.””

Carol Urban

Carol Urban
Phoenix Unit 354Nominated by JoAnne Lowe

Carol is an outgoing, cheerful player and volunteer. She is a Unit 354 board member recently elected to a second term. Carol, our Unit Secretary, is organized and efficient and makes clear and insightful comments at our Board meetings. A willing helper, she organizes our food supplies before and during our tournaments.

Carol was the Chair of the Information Desk at the 2022 Phoenix Fall NABC, working daily with a smile.

Jackie Haugen

Jackie Haugen
Flagstaff Unit 355Nominated by Bill Phillips

At the height of Covid, Jackie recognized the need for someone to lead the Sedona Bridge Club. She accepted the role of club president, organized and co-directed online games, kept the club financially strong and eventually re-established face- to-face bridge. She began offering, and continues to offer, online bridge lessons under the auspices of Yavapai Community College.

Despite great personal hardship created by her husband’s long illness and eventual passing, Jackie still worked hard to support and encourage the club. Her current focus is to continue her teaching, to encourage club members to return to bridge and to recruit and teach new bridge players.

Doug Cain

Doug Cain
Tucson Unit 356Nominated by Cindy Shoemaker

Doug is the Tucson Unit 356 Partnership Chair and a newly elected unit board member. He is a proactive, kind and dedicated volunteer. As Partnership Chair, Doug promptly acknowledges all requests and works with a team of volunteers to fill requests before each tournament. Afterward, Doug sends thank you emails to all those who have been matched with partners and invites each to play in the next unit scheduled event. Doug then produces reports for the Unit 356 Board that illustrate how Partnerships increase table count.

Doug is the reason why Tucson has a new tournament location. During Tucson tournaments, Doug arrives well before the players to make the coffee and to set up the beverage counter.

Linda Nicholos

Linda Nicholos
Colorado Springs Unit 360Nominated by Bill Curtis

Linda has served on the Unit 360 board for six years as treasurer. Her financial skills provided a sound financial foundation for the unit during a major IRS audit and the COVID-19 epidemic. She has helped turn a profit for unit sectionals. Linda has been a strong supporter of the unit’s mentor program and assists with kitchen and hosting duties for special unit and club games. Linda and her husband are survivors of COVID-19, but despite this setback, Linda returned to the table and advanced to Ruby Life Master. She is known for her bubbly smile and friendly approach at the table.

Julie Clark

Julie Clark
Denver Unit 361Nominated by Jennifer O’Neill

When D17 resumed face-to-face regionals the fall of 2021, Julie not only came to play – she came to volunteer – and to support other unit boards within D17. Julie is a leader. She understands the problems facing the unit, the district and the league. She works effectively with her unit board to seek solutions to keep her unit viable and moving forward. She is a good listener, she is steady and she is always fair.

Julie Clark has been an ACBL member for over 30 years, recently becoming a gold life master. Raised in a family committed not only to the game itself, but also to the support of the game (her father was the Denver unit’s legal counsel), Julie has served on the Denver Unit Board since 2018 and is currently the president. She is a mentor to a local player and has high hopes of getting her brother to come back to the game.

Cara-lyn Lappen

Cara-lyn Lappen
Colorado West Unit 364 Nominated by Sharon Smith
Cara-lyn loves bridge and wants others to love it too. She is patient and encouraging and can explain things at any level. Four of her students started taking lessons from Cara-Lyn seven years ago, and when faced with a decision, they ask, “What would Cara-Lyn do“? They had bracelets made and wear them to games. It makes everyone smile. Many of her students would not have continued bridge had it not been for Cara-Lyn’s encouragement, kindness and immense knowledge and willingness to share that. Cara-Lyn started playing bridge when she was 22 and suffered a back injury that kept her from doing anything active for two years. Her much admired and avid bridge player mother suggested bridge. At first, she scoffed at the idea, thinking it was the most boring idea ever. Then, she met a woman whose brother was a bridge pro and she also never wanted to learn bridge. They started playing together and had an amazing time. They were totally hooked, loved the game, loved the people and loved the challenge. The game literally changed Cara-Lyn’s life. Her closest friends, her adopted mother and the bridge community have all been made possible because of bridge. Now, she considers herself an ambassador for the game, her sole goal is to teach the game and spread to others the joy that she has found. Cara-Lyn works full time, has two children, skis and plays ice hockey several times a week. And, she finds time to teach seven to eight bridge lessons per week and answer all student’s bridge questions! Playing bridge has enriched her life by all the wonderful people she has met.

Brian Marsh

Brian Marsh
Las Vegas Unit 373Nominated by Liz Hamilton

Brian was introduced to bridge by Toby McEvoy and Chris Hahn in March of 2019. Three months later, Brian played in the NABC in Las Vegas. Outside of bridge (as if there is such a thing), Brian is a Senior Accountant for Penn Entertainment and has a portfolio of private tax clients. He has also been a professional musician since 1999, and still regularly performs with the Las Vegas Philharmonic, the Smith Center Broadway Series and multiple theatrical and musical organizations throughout the Las Vegas Valley. He enjoys pizza, red wine and spreading the joys of bridge.

John Keck

John Keck
Albuquerque Unit 374Nominated by Neil Hunter

John is a director at Duke City Bridge Club, Albuquerque, and is dedicated to keeping bridge alive! John, a strong presence at the bridge table, with his 6’4″ frame, is actually a soft spoken, pleasant guy. He was born in Oklahoma, but moved to Farmington when he was young, and spent his school years there. After high school, he spent three years in the Army, with one year in Vietnam. After that, he attended NMSU receiving his BA in Information Systems. He then joined the Air Force, where he spent the next 18 years traveling and working in information systems and communications. He also attained a Masters in Finance at this time.

After retirement, he settled in Albuquerque and worked as Chief Technical officer at Kirtland Federal and 10 years as a statistical economist for the state of New Mexico.

John’s first introduction to bridge was at an adult education class in California, while he was stationed there. As a total novice, he played in a tournament with an 80-year old party bridge player (no master points) and they came in first. But after that, work and life got in the way and he didn’t play again until he retired. After taking beginner classes in Albuquerque, he started playing in the Wednesday night group and has done that for many years. He’d like to play more when time allows – he has started playing Monday afternoons with Alan Goldman as his partner/mentor.

John has two daughters and he’s raising two grandchildren – ages 13 and 15. He’s a busy man, but likes it that way and enjoys teaching the beginners because they’re interested and enthused about the game. With the help of Rick Weigle, he plans to keep the beginner classes going and hopes to help them “graduate” to Duke City play.

2022 D17 Goodwill Ambassadors

Karin Hansen

Jim Utter
Mesa Unit 351Nominated by Lakin Hines
Karin Hansen has been instrumental in promoting bridge with the Sun Lakes Duplicate Bridge Club for many years. She served on the Sun Lakes Club Board of Directors. She has worked with the under 499er pairs for many years. She wants to help others improve their games and to enjoy this game as much as she does. She is very dedicated to ‘her’ players. Karin Hansen will make a great Goodwill Ambassador and is someone to emulate.

Phebe Packer

Phoenix Unit 354Nominated by JoAnne Lowe
Phebe Packer is a people person. A lover of bridge, she plays with all level of players, and plays at both our Scottsdale clubs. She is friendly to all and happy to answer any questions a newer player may ask. Phebe is always ready to lend a helping hand either at the clubs or at tournaments. Mentoring new players is just one way she helps. A past president of Unit 354, Phebe is a retired bridge teacher and is the partnership chair for the 2022 Phoenix NABC. She is an asset to Unit 354, D17 and the ACBL.

Joan Shay

Gary Millam
Flagstaff Unit 355 Nominated by Bill Phillips
Joan got her start in bridge when her husband asked her to learn the game as a wedding gift to him. She instantly fell in love with the game, and it was not long before she became an accomplished player. When the City of Prescott, AZ built a new adult center, Joan realized that this would be an ideal place for bridge clubs in Prescott to call home. At the time there were three small bridge clubs competing for players. Joan merged the clubs and brought them to the adult center, and Prescott bridge thrived. She worked very hard for many years, serving as the executive director of the adult center, and running sanctioned and non-sanctioned bridge and sectional tournaments. She recently stepped down from her leadership positions, but remains an active and highly skilled player.

Dev Deluca

Tucson Unit 356Nominated by Steve Reynolds
Dev is a director who donates his time and he is also a good player. He teaches numerous people for free. When Covid hit, the Adobe Bridge Center needed a lot of landscaping (they were quoted $1,700) and Dev did it for free. He makes the boards for our tournaments anytime he is asked and helps in every kind of way. There is not a nicer person at the table.

David Baglee

david baglee
Albuquerque Unit 374Nominated by Cindy Shoemaker
David has made a real difference to bridge in Albuquerque. After retiring from Intel, David became a board member of the Duke City Bridge Club, Albuquerque. In 2020, he became president — the year of the Covid lockdown. David has launched a new website for the club and after a break in, guided the enhancement of club security. He qualified as a club director in early 2021. In 2020, he helped the club manager raise over $10K for The Alzheimer’s Association’s The Longest Day fundraising event. That same year, he raised over $7K for the club’s Christmas charity, Feed NM (New Mexico) Kids.

Charles Lewis

Colorado Springs Unit 360Nominated by Bill Curtis
Charles will be turning 93 later this year. He graduated from the US Naval Academy, but joined the US Air Force. During one of his missions in the Vietnam War as an F-4 pilot he and his wingman crashed because of a malfunction in the fuse of the bombs they carried. It ignited immediately instead of waiting the normal time and damaged their wings. The four crew members survived the crashes but one was captured. Charles was also one of the first Covid-19 patients in Colorado Springs and spent some time in the hospital. Charles loves bridge and willingly will come and play with anyone who doesn’t have a partner. Although he plays ‘old time’ bridge, I have had fun winning games with him. Charles is a bridge lover and a great patriot.

Ev Dahl

ev dahl
Las Vegas Unit 373Nominated by Elizabeth Hamilton
Ev has served as our unit president, unit secretary and unit recorder. In 2019, she was a key member of the Summer NABC committee in Las Vegas. Her official title was volunteer chair and she recruited over 40 volunteers. That made it possible for us to offer outstanding player hospitality throughout the tournament. In reality, Ev played many roles on this team and was always there to support fellow volunteers in whatever role required. The most amazing thing about Ev is that she is always willing to play with newer players and to be part of teams working to help other players achieve their Life Master status. It is this caring and kind attitude that makes her a perfect nominee for the D17 Goodwill Committee.

Donna Givner

Denver Unit 361Nominated by Jennifer O’Neill
Donna is known to many as a kind and gracious player at the table and sets the standard as an exceptional ambassador of the game. While on the unit board she was in charge of the mentor program, bringing many new players to the table with encouragement. She continues to mentor although her priority now is her family. She helps the west side local clubs by helping set up and clean up, but supports multiple clubs in the Denver area. In addition, she supports the unit as a committee member and at tournaments even though she retired from the board.

Jerry Fleming

jerry fleming
Los Alamos Unit 381Nominated by Neil Hunter
Jerry has devoted most of his non-working hours to his family, gardening, coin collecting and duplicate bridge. He has been an essential promoter of duplicate bridge in Los Alamos, NM starting in 1985, and he continues to play and direct in Unit 381 to this very day. In the early ’80s, he was actively involved with District 18. He is a fine player, keen to play Precision or 2/1. We have lost track of how many sectionals he has organized, and he has taught duplicate bridge locally and on over 50 cruises. He devoted at least a decade of toil for the D17 board. He also served the ACBL at the national level as treasurer, vice president and president. Jerry has been a great help to the unit in Santa Fe. Over a decade ago he arranged for the Los Alamos unit to donate $3,000 to our new bridge center in Santa Fe. He often directs our special games so that our own directors can play. I can think of no other person in northern New Mexico who has given more to the game we all love.

Kristi Brown

Steamboat Springs Unit 422Nominated by Sharon Smith
Kristi has been volunteering for the Steamboat Bridge Club since she first started taking lessons several years ago. She has helped with marketing material, social media marketing, serves on our unit board and has contributed to marketing the D17 Swiss Team Coaching event and GNT Team events. The flyers she creates are eye catching with just the right amount of information. Kristi setup a weekly newsletter for the local club last summer which has been a lifesaver. Every week is different. Are we online? Face to face? Players know to check their weekly ‘Here’s the Deal’ newsletter! The newsletter has accomplished communication where emails and website updates were often ineffective. We highly recommend newsletters for clubs that, like us, are trying so hard to provide games in an ever-changing landscape brought on by Covid. Kristi loves games, especially cards. She played bridge with her parents when she was little and she played in college. She saw an ad for a local bridge class and has been taking lessons and working on her game with a group of beginners that all began together. She also plays with more advanced players and is constantly learning. She is enthusiastic and has loved making a whole new group of friends even after living in Steamboat for over 20 years. Steamboat Bridge, Unit 422 and D17 are fortunate to have benefitted from her energy and cheerful participation!

Congratulations D17 Goodwill Ambassadors 2021

Jim Utter

Jim Utter
Mesa Unit 351 Nominated by Lakin Hines

Jim Utter has served as the president of the Sun Lakes Duplicate Bridge Club since 2011. During his first four years as president, club membership grew from about 300 to about 440 and the annual number of game entry fees collected increased by 25%.

Jim was instrumental in acquiring an electronic scoring system, an automatic dealing machine, special cards and additional equipment needed for operation.

He has also improved club communications. Jim led the initiative to create the new Sun Lakes Duplicate Bridge Club website, and reports club news to membership as needed four to five times a month.

Motivated to help others improve their games, Jim wants all players to enjoy bridge as much as he does.

Jim is very dedicated and cares for all board and club members. He will make a great goodwill ambassador and is someone to emulate.

Murali Nair

Murali Nair
Phoenix Unit 354 Nominated by JoAnne Lowe
Murali Nair, a former Unit 354 and D17 board member, is a technology expert who sets up and runs A/V equipment to display unit tournament information. He provides PowerPoint presentations at club/unit meetings and he is the D17 Facebook Administrator. Murali is an accredited bridge teacher and director. He is currently using RealBridge Software to teach bridge to his daughter and her friends who live in India. Murali is ethical and honest and he is an asset to Unit 354 and to the bridge community.

Gary Millam

Gary Millam
Flagstaff Unit 355 Nominated by Bill Phillips

Gary has single-handedly operated the Flagstaff Duplicate Bridge Club for many years. He does it all: arranges for a venue, sets up and takes down the tables and chairs, directs the game, serves as a liaison with the ACBL, provides bridge supplies, keeps in touch with players and attends to everything involved in operating a bridge club.

His work is a valuable service to the Flagstaff community. He keeps the game running during the winter to give the town residents an opportunity to continue playing duplicate. In the summer, the participation expands because of the influx of people who spend their summers in Flagstaff, which makes running the games quite a challenge.

Gary is also a talented dancer. He contributes to the community by offering tango lessons and serving as a judge at dance contests.

Barry Abrahams

Barry Abrahams
Tucson Unit 356 Nominated by Steve Reynolds

Barry Abrahams had the typical start in bridge. He was first exposed to it in 1963 but work interfered and it wasn’t until he retired in 1999 that it resumed its true place in his life.

While in Tucson, Barry started playing at the Adobe and Las Candelas clubs and then became involved with ACBL Unit 356 where he served as tournament chair and then as unit president. Barry did a marvelous job making being on the board a fun productive experience for everyone lucky enough to serve with him.

After leaving the unit board, Barry helped merge the Las Candelas Bridge Club with the Adobe Bridge Club and worked to purchase the former Las Candelas Banquet Hall and associated property. This is now the permanent home for the Adobe Bridge Center.

Subsequently, Barry was elected to the Adode Board and was instrumental in creating a financially sound business plan. He then took on the daunting task of having the club granted 501(c)(3) status as a tax exempt entity which required an unbelievable amount of paperwork and research.

His selfless dedication and untold hours of volunteer work has made the bridge scene in Tucson what it is today. We owe him a huge debt of gratitude for all of his hard work on our behalf.

Barbara Starrett

Barbara Starrett
Tucson Unit 356 Nominated by Cindy Shoemaker

After taking beginner bridge lessons, Dr. Barbara Starrett and colleague Dr. Joyce Honorof realized a need for organized duplicate bridge games for new players living north of Tucson, AZ. Barbara borrowed equipment, became an ACBL director and started Small Slams Club, an ACBL sanctioned invitational club for 749ers located in SaddleBrooke, AZ. Barbara orchestrated and financed the equipment for Small Slams and became a director before she had earned 10 masterpoints!

“A visionary and caring individual, Barbara is willing to do what it takes to make the club successful and continue to grow,” said Carl Travor, friend and Unit 356 member.

Barbara also supports the Northwest Tucson Bridge Club (NWTC) serving as a face-to- face and virtual club director.

“During COVID, Barbara volunteered to be trained as an online director for our virtual club,” said Bonnie Hertzog, NWTC director and Unit 356 board member. “She has made herself available to direct weekly, and cheerfully assists other directors. She attends Virtual Club Roundtable meetings and brings new information about BBO/ACBL changes to our attention.

She provides clear and insightful comments at our director meetings, and she sends helpful emails. Her persistence in solving problems and her humor have helped all of us survive and thrive during this crazy year.”

Since retirement, Barbara has tirelessly served her community as president of the SaddleBrooke Freethinkers and as a member of the Gays, Lesbians and Allies at SaddleBrooke. Barbara also conducts compression-only CPR classes and is the chairperson of the Safety Recreation Committee for HOA 1 in SaddleBrooke.

Barbara credits her mother-in-law Syrile Ellison for encouraging her and wife Jo Ann Ellison to learn the game of bridge.

Christopher Dorton

Chris Dorton
Boulder Unit 359 Nominated by Sharon Smith

Chris is an inspirational bridge advocate! His passion is for bridge and creating a fun learning environment. Chris has taught classes for Maggie’s Bridge Club since completing the TAP course in 2015. Since covid, he has taken the courses online and reached dozens of new bridge players. The courses he has promoted with his wife, Brenda Alberico, and Bob Hinderholtz are extremely well received. Chris seeks feedback and constantly improves the delivery, scope and content. He has promoted games for the newer players and fostered partnerships and camaraderie among the players. All of his time is voluntary and class proceeds benefit Summit County Seniors.

Chris’s philosophy is simple, MAKE IT FUN! People come to bridge classes for many reasons, but a key is social interaction and meeting new people. Chris wants students to be a better BRIDGE PLAYERS regardless of their prior bridge knowledge.

Maggie’s Bridge Club in Summit County is smack in the middle of Skiers Heaven. He has created a series of classes with a skiing theme: Bunny Slope, Green Slope, Blue Slope and Black Slope. Players can quickly gauge the class level that is appropriate for them.

A recent student wrote, “The game of bridge is a fun time that I hope to enjoy well into my 90’s if at all possible. You have given me a great gift!”

District 17 is fortunate to have Chris in our midst. We can all learn from his actions!

Ed Texel

Ed Texel
Colorado Springs Unit 360 Nominated by John Grossmann

Some units in District 17 own facilities and for these units a key position is building manager. Ed Texel has been the “facility guy” for more than a decade in Colorado Springs. It’s a lot of fun climbing ladders, moving office equipment, supervising construction, finding plumbers and electricians, building tournament stanchions and answering lots of player questions. In Colorado Springs, with a 44-year-old building, I think building manager is a bigger job than any other administrative post. I used to be the building manager in the Springs and I talked Ed into taking over when I was elected to the Unit 360 board. Ed has done an admirable job.

Ed has been a bridge player for decades and a fixture on the tournament trail.

He is a wonderful ambassador for our game with a smooth temperament and dry sense of humor. You want Ed on your team! Bridge is more fun with Ed at the table.

Ed Yosses

Ed Yosses
Denver Unit 361 Nominated by Jennifer O’Neill

Ed Yosses learned about a game called bridge from his parents at a very early age. While in college during the late 1960s, he and Barb, girlfriend and wife, learned the basics of the game from friends. They started playing duplicate in the early 1970s and became ACBL members in the mid-1970s.

Ed continued playing duplicate in Toledo, OH, and then in Fort Collins when he moved to Colorado in 1999.

He was active in the Fort Collins Unit 363, holding both treasurer and president offices until moving to Denver in 2014. Additionally, Ed has served as District 17 treasurer and is currently treasurer of Unit 361.

He has actively mentored many novice bridge players over the years and was teaching weekly beginner bridge classes to a group in his neighborhood until COVID interfered last March.

Bridge has been a lifelong passion for Ed. He reads on a daily basis and has a very large collection of bridge books. He is a Gold Life Master.

Chris Hahn

Chris Hahn
Las Vegas Unit 373 Nominated by Elizabeth Hamilton

Chris is one of those people, that when your paths cross, there is always a smile involved. He has a natural charm and a passion for bridge that combined make everyone at ease whether you are playing as his partner, team-mate or opponent. Chris has served as the treasurer of Unit 373 and as the treasurer of the 2019 Las Vegas NABC. He was also a key member of the team who staffed the I/N Partnership & Help Desk in 2019. He has already volunteered to be part of the team in 2024!

Chris is a certified ACBL teacher. He completed TAP and the Best Practices Workshop. He is committed to providing an excellent learning experience for his students. Chris teaches with his partner Toby McEvoy and together, they are building a strong foundation of players who will help Las Vegas rebuild when face-to-face bridge takes off again in our area. Chris donates his time to his students; not just during scheduled lessons but he makes himself available as a partner in club games and tournaments. His students never feel unsupported after the class is over and that makes their transition to competitive duplicate bridge competitions smoother.

Chris is a man of many talents. He manages to fit all these bridge activities in while still working full-time as a pharmacy technician, specializing in procurement. He is a classically trained singer and performs in many local productions around town. Las Vegas is extremely fortunate to have him in our bridge community.

D17 Goodwill Ambassadors 2020​

Ashley Erwin

Ashley Erwin
El Paso Unit 159 Nominated by Steve Nordberg
Although Ashley is fairly new to the bridge scene, he has stepped in to help where and when needed, serving on the local board and chairing tournaments. As president, he has handled routine and problem issues with equal enthusiasm. Setting up unit emails for club news and other information such as traffic alerts has enhanced our club experience. He has established rapport with the Las Cruces Unit and shares their information. Of equal note, his research has enabled us to have additional unit championships so that we all have a chance to earn more points. He was also instrumental in establishing a Saturday 299’er game to stimulate interest for newer players. More importantly, he is a “friendly fellow” and willingly plays with all players regardless of rank. Criticism is not in his vocabulary.

Eileen Utter

Eileen Utter
Mesa Unit 351 Nominated by Lakin Hines
Eileen is friendly and hard working and strives to help others improve and enjoy the game. Eileen has been the coordinator of the Unit 351 novice/mentor program since 2006. As the coordinator, Eileen receives applications filled out by novices and then pairs each with a suitable mentor. She takes her duties seriously and strives to fill all requests with qualified mentors. For several years, Eileen has dedicated herself to assisting with partnership requests for the Sun Lakes Duplicate Bridge Club. In 2011, she was elected to the Unit 351 board and served as president from 2013 to 2015. Eileen is someone to emulate.

Anne Marie Harrington

Anne Marie Harrington
Phoenix Unit 354 Nominated by JoAnne Lowe
Anne Marie was an active Unit 354 board member for at least nine years. During that period, she was our partnership chairperson for all tournaments and a co-sponsor of our mentoring program. Between working the partnership desk and playing almost daily she knows most of the newer, local Scottsdale players. She encourages and puts new players at ease. At the bridge table, she smiles and greets both friends and opponents. Her love of bridge and people are evident. Anne Marie is an excellent ambassador for bridge.

Joe Green

Northern AZ Unit 355 Nominated by Bill Phillips

Joe has been a bridge player for many years, partnering with accomplished players and making his way to Silver Life Master through successful tournament and club play. Several years ago, he and his wife relocated from Flagstaff to Sedona, AZ. He now plays in nearly every session at the Sedona Bridge Center. Since that move he has devoted himself to partnering with less experienced players, serving as a gentle mentor and helping many individuals earn masterpoints. He is a treasured member of the Sedona Bridge Center who brings much joy and pleasure to all.

Joyce Honorof

Joyce Honorof

Tucson Unit 356 Nominated by Steve Reynolds

Four years ago, Joyce retired from her professional practice as an internist. She discovered bridge which excited and captivated her. After some beginner lessons, Joyce and her colleague, Barbara Starrett, realized the need for organized duplicate bridge games for new players living north of Tucson. They borrowed equipment, practiced ACBLscore, became ACBL directors and started the Small Slams Bridge Club, an ACBL sanctioned invitational club for 749’ers in SaddleBrooke, AZ. Joyce, although a new player herself, became an ACBL Certified Bridge Teacher and focused on teaching beginners.

After the Bridge Center of Greater Tucson closed, Joyce joined a steering committee to continue playing options in north Tucson and the Northwest Tucson Bridge Club was born.

Joyce remains an active volunteer director in both Small Slams Bridge Club and the Northwest Tucson Bridge Club, and is now a Virtual BBO director as well. Most importantly, she continues to be an avid player and ambassador of encouragement for anyone wanting to share in this invigorating experience we call bridge. Joyce is enthusiastic, positive and dedicated to bringing people to the game. “Joyce is the glue of the bridge community in Tucson,” stated a local player. “She is an outstanding ambassador for bridge.”

Elly Larson

Ellie Larson

Denver Unit 361 Nominated by Jennifer O’Neill

I have nominated Elly because she has done so much for our Denver bridge community. Elly is supportive of newer players and supports the unit by hosting numerous events.

Since the stay at home orders began, Elly is running online games for local clubs.

She has bent over backwards to accommodate all the requests for help in using BBO and has adjusted her schedule based on requests from members.

Elly began playing bridge in college but got hooked on duplicate after a friend asked her to try it and they won five MPs.

After taking over a failing club in 2017, she revived the club with a zero-tolerance policy.

Elly considers running the bridge club a hobby, not work.

In her limited free time, Elly spends it with her husband, Eric, and in-town granddaughter. She is a great cook and is generous in giving out her recipes.

Toby McEvoy

Las Vegas Unit 373 Nominated by Liz Hamilton

Toby is playing a key role in building the foundation for the future of duplicate bridge in Las Vegas and deserves recognition for his outstanding efforts.

Toby McEvoy is a certified ACBL teacher having completed TAP and the Best Practices programs. He is a member of the ABTA and planned to take the ACBL director’s course at the Spring 2020 NABC which was canceled due to COVID-19. He plans to do so at the first possible opportunity. He will be an excellent director.

The 2019 NABC was held in Las Vegas Nevada and Toby served on the tournament committee for three years. He attended meetings with the hotel and assisted with many other tournament decisions. His key role was as the I/N chair. He put together an outstanding team of volunteers to make sure the I/N Help Desk and Partnership Desk were friendly services that helped newer players enjoy the tournament. Player feedback was excellent. Toby took personal leave from his full time job in the IT industry to be present at the tournament each day.

Toby and his partner Christopher Hahn have established a teaching program for local I/N players. They offer classes at no cost to students and organize duplicate games with other unit players on the weekends. This gets their students comfortable at the bridge table and well prepared to play in local club games and tournaments. Many have become ACBL members.

Toby is also a talented musician and musical director. He has directed critically acclaimed shows at Spring Mountain Ranch, The Vegas Little Theatre and Faith Lutheran High School.

Gene Covington

Gene Covington
Santa Fe Unit 383 Nominated by Felicity Moore
Gene exemplifies the qualities for which District 17 established the Goodwill Committee. He is always pleasant. Gene played bridge in college at the student union. After graduation, he played socially, but his best friend was a life master who helped him learn real bridge. At one point, Gene and his partner owned a floral shop in Atlanta, Georgia; they were one of five florists for the 1996 Olympics. Later he had a long career in the oil and gas business, mostly in Dallas, but humidity was not his friend. He then moved to Santa Fe, where the bridge club’s education programs were a special attraction. When he started playing open games at the local clubs, he began wearing unusual hats, and he always makes a particular point of creating a welcoming and friendly atmosphere at the table. “I have offered to help mentor and play with people starting out and I have SO many great friends who are dependable and treat me with kindness,” says Gene. “It is indeed an honor that they have given me. Simple kindness is in my DNA.”

Charles Wilkins

Charles Wilkins
Santa Fe Unit 383 Nominated by Cindy Shoemaker
Charlie recognizes that bridge is a game of social interactions where lasting friendships are made. “At club games and bridge events,” states Charlie, “I notice players happily milling around, chatting with each other, and obviously looking forward to the game. I knew that losers would outnumber winners by 10 to one or more, so it was clear to me that the social and friendship aspects of the game are very important” Charlie keeps the atmosphere at the table friendly and pleasant and subscribes to the Aileen Osofsky ACBL Goodwill Committee slogan — “It is nice to be important, but more important to be nice” Charlie has been the Santa Fe Unit 383 president since 2019. While he always likes to find the least expensive yet effective way to carrying out any task, he strives to make all activities as enjoyable as possible for all players. Expanding the definition of goodwill during these unprecedented times, Charlie has been instrumental in bringing online bridge to Santa Fe — keeping players engaged and in the game. At present, Santa Fe offers ACBL virtual club games during every one of its traditional F2F time slots. I have had the pleasure of meeting with Charlie on several occasions. It was apparent early on that he is committed to moving bridge forward. He is a big picture thinker who values players, education and the need to maintain and enhance communication.

Sharon Smith

Sharon Smith
Laramie Unit 422 Nominated by John Grossmann
Sharon brings a high level of energy and enthusiasm to duplicate bridge, supports the players and enhances her bridge community. Sharon moved to Steamboat Springs, CO in 1994 and helped Elaine Gilbertson restart a local bridge club. Soon she became active in local club operations as a director. In 2018, Sharon organized a highly successful 18 table Learn Bridge in a Day class held at a community center. She is also developing online bridge classes through a local college. When the covid pandemic hit Colorado, Sharon made a compelling case to BBO about pioneering a virtual club game in a rural setting. Not just one session, but three well- attended sessions a week of virtual bridge. Sharon is extremely pleasant and a wonderful ambassador for our game, all from a person who skis, bikes, hikes, snowshoes and golfs in her beloved Steamboat.