D17 Election News

Four D17 Board members are up for re-election with terms expiring in 2024: Jennifer O’Neill, representing Denver, CO Unit 361, JoAnne Lowe, representing Phoenix, AZ Unit 354, Bill Curtis, representing Eastern CO Units 360 and 363, and David Baglee, representing Northern and Southern New Mexico Units 374, 376, 380, 381, 383 and 388 and El Paso Unit 159.

O’Neill and Baglee, who was elected by Northern and Southern NM Units and the El Paso Unit to complete the remainder of Neil Hunter’s term through 2024, have declared their candidacies. Lowe and Curtis will not stand for re-election.

The term of office to serve on the D17 Board is three years to commence at the first D17 Board meeting following the election.

Unit Board members elect their representative and must conduct a vote before November 1, 2024.

If you are interested in running for one of these Board positions, you must be an ACBL member in good standing and a member of one of the Units that you are seeking to represent on the D17 Board. 

Candidates must submit a Statement of Declaration to the D17 Election Secretary, Kitty Larson, kittysocceretc@gmail.com and to the President(s) of the respective Unit(s) before August 31, 2024.